About Helios Power

Parent company Ysolar can provide a pre-sale service for companies that needs to purchase green power with "additionality" requirements. Ysolar expects a total capacity of 1.6GW to be connected to the grid in 5 years, which fulfills the so-called "additionality" requirements from international big techs.

  • 99
green electrivity can be wheeled
  • 9.99
green power wheeling
  • 99.9
millions of RECs
  • 9.9
CO2 reduction


Our Strengths

Parent company Ysolar is the biggest ground-mounted solar PV developer in Taiwan. Ysolar provides turnkey solution from PV project development, construction to maintenace and green power retailing. We are one of the few renewable companies that can provide such comprehensive energy solution.

BIG solar PV projects
BIG solar PV projects
Ysolar provides a large amount of stable green electricity to the demand side. At least 260MW can be directly powered to domestic enterprises this year.
Consulting supports
Consulting supports
As Ysolar is the biggest solar developer in Taiwan, we have the expertise from generator & investor perspectives to provide professional power retailing service.
Diverse cooperation
Diverse cooperation
We established a close cooperation with research team from National Taiwan University of Science and Technology to develop a matchmaking platform for green power supply&demand.
Lowering the cost of sourcing
Lowering the cost of sourcing
We provide a large amount of green electricity, so that enterprises can save their time and efforts in sourcing green power.

You are green power purchaser

  • Consulting service
  • T-REC application
  • Matchmaking of green power service
  • Rolling adjustment
  • Green power retailing application
  • Cloud data

You are green power generator

  • Consulting service
  • Type 3 to type 1 project application
  • Matchmaking of green power service
  • Bank financing communication
  • Green power retailing application
  • Cloud data


Succesful Cases

Helios Power was established amid the deregulation of Taiwan's energy market. Our main mission is to provide better soluton for green power retailing and to "light up" all walks of life.

CHB Green Energy Supply

01CHB Green Energy Supply

Chang Hwa Commercial Bank, a well-known bank in Taiwan, will launch its green energy procurement business starting October 1, 2022. "Helios Power" will supply green energy from a solar photovoltaic field in Pingtung owned by "Ksolar Co., Ltd." to the headquarters of Chang Hwa Commercial Bank through a power purchase agreement.

CHT Green Power Supply

02CHT Green Power Supply

Chunghwa Telecom, as a leading benchmark for domestic industries,In order to reduce its carbon footprint, the company has declared its commitment to achieving RE100 by 2040. In September 2022, Chunghwa Telecom partnered with Heliios Power to purchase 50 million kilowatt-hours of green energy, achieving the largest single green energy supply case in Taiwan.


Energy Market News



太陽神電力今天邀請台灣經濟研究院專家學者,來到新竹科學園區辦理「打造綠色供應鏈 佈局國際低碳市場商機論壇」。竹科作為全球供應鏈重要的一環,園區內的各大企業公司都相當關注永續經營的議題,現場座無虛席。





Helios Power Participates in the 2022 【 Energy Taiwan 】

The "2022 Energy Taiwan" took place from October 19th to 21st at Taipei Nangang Exhibition Center Hall 1, featuring a grand exhibition. The Ysolar and its subsidiary electricity retail company, Helios Power, showcased the largest presence with 54 booths at the event (Booth J0102), making them the center of attention throughout the entire event.

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